The first original show exclusive to Cartoon Network was The Moxy Show, an anthology animated series that first aired in 1993, used as an attempt to create a mascot. On October 2, 2002, coinciding with the tenth anniversary of Cartoon Network, Cartoon Network broadcast a one-day special to celebrate its tenth anniversary. Cartoon Network decided to create a block focused exclusively on adults following the success of recent attempts to produce appropriate content for the adult audience on Williams Street. The Cartoon Network website also features several flash games that incorporate characters from various Cartoon Network franchises.
Cartoon Cartoons is a collective name for the original Cartoon Network series that premiered before 1996. Cartoon Network in Latin America began less than a year since it began in the United States, which is an absolute record for any television station. Spim's (Cartoon Theater, Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater, Movie Madness and later The Flicks) is a Cartoon Network movie block that features animated theatrical feature films, animated feature films for television, and movies made for Cartoon Network. Seven months later, on October 1, 1992, their eponymous television channel was launched, and the first program was Droopy's Guide to the Cartoon Network, hosted by the MGM cartoon character Droopy, with the first cartoon to air on the network, Rhapsody Rabbit. As part of Cartoon Network's 20th anniversary, Cartoon Planet was revived in an effort to gain more audience.
On April 1, 2000, Cartoon Network launched a digital cable and satellite channel known as Boomerang, which grew out of one of its programming blocks that included retro animated series and shorts, as Cartoon Network's core programming began to fill Cartoon Network's main programming with more original programming and imports of other animated Time-Warner productions. There would be a Cartoon Cartoon short film that aired every Friday at 9 p.m., before a completely new episode of Cartoon Cartoon. It also aired on Cartoon Network (Southeast Asia), Cartoon Network (Philippines) and Cartoon Network (Australia) during the Halloween season of the same year. Turner Broadcasting followed the Cartoon Network model from CNN, with the goal of creating a profitable single-genre channel focused on animation.
The original programming block launched on Cartoon Network in the United States on March 17, 1997 and broadcast primarily American cartoons and Japanese anime. At 12 p.m. ET on October 1, 1992, Cartoon Network launched as an outlet for Turner's sizeable animation library, and the channel's initial programming consisted exclusively of repeats of Warner Bros. classics.
The block broadcast marathons of Cartoon Cartoons franchises such as Dexter's Laboratory, Ed, Edd n Eddy, Johnny Bravo, Courage the Cowardly Dog, The Powerpuff Girls, Time Squad and Cow and Chicken. Gosh, how I remember Cartoon Network before that Out Of Jimmy's Head abomination premiered and ruined Cartoon Network.